Boat Safety
Florida Boaters Guide.Com is a strong supporter of Florida boating safety and Florida boating education. In this section, we have Florida boating license & Florida boating education information resources, national leading boat safety resources such as the United States Power Squadrons, Coast Guard Auxiliary and the U. S. Coast Guard. You can also read boat safety blogs on our EDUCATION page where we are always posting new blogs.
For your convenience, we have provided you links to marlinspike (knot tying), the NOAA EPIRB/PLB online registration center, the USCG light lists, Notice to Mariners and the International and Inland Navigation Rules of the Road.
You can even access the online Florida boating safety course. Once completed, you can apply for your Florida boating license also online! Find most anything relating to Florida boating safety and national water safety right here, right now!
Seven out of ten recreational boating accidents occur in boats less than 20' in length and in clear weather conditions. Enjoy your boating experience and remember, Florida boating safety is no accident!

Boat Safe & Boat Safe Kids - Online Courses and Safety Information
Florida State Minimum Safety Equipment for
Marine Converters and Calculators
Marlinspike - Animated Knot Tying by Grog
Nautical Flags and their Meanings
Navigation Rules of the Road Downloadable Tutorial
NOAA EPIRB/PLB Online Registration Right Here
USCG National Vessel Documentation Center
U.S. Sailing Education - Online courses, Videos and Tests